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WideSky Edge

WideSky Edge


The ‘Swiss army knife’ for the IoT world.


Universal data tools

WideSky Edge is a suite of software for creating reliable operational data solutions. With a seamless interface to WideSky Cloud, it delivers three critical benefits to your business:

  1. Translate and Interpret multiple devices that talk multiple languages throughout your enterprise into a single system.
  2. Allow 24 x 7 data continuity even for extended offline periods.
  3. Distributed architecture that moves intelligence closer to the data source allowing for increased reliability.


Connect and control modern IoT sensors, legacy Building Management Systems and everything in between. WideSky Edge is ideal for:

  • Energy and metering infrastructure
  • Building systems
  • Industrial control systems
  • ERP systems and data lakes


The WideSky Edge architecture was designed to ensure your IoT solutions are reliable, efficient and continue to operate during extended offline periods.

With capabilities to distribute services close to the data source, WideSky Edge can quickly meet your businesses data demands.


WideSky Edge provides you with the tools to create meaningful data solutions.

Deploy on small, rugged hardware near your sensors or build large scale data solutions on enterprise hardware.

If you have a bespoke data requirement, Contact Us to extend it for your business quickly.

WideSky Edge Services

All services require an existing WideSky Cloud subscription

Standard Containers

  • Data capture and storage

  • Modbus TCP

  • Modbus RTU

  • BACnet / IP

Specialised Containers

  • MBus

  • Modbus TCP Slave

  • EDMI: MK6, Mk7 Mk10 Meters

  • CET: All Meters, Pecstar iEMS

  • Landis+Gyr Meters via the Kingfisher protocol

  • Wattwatchers Meters

  • Project Haystack Servers: Niagara, SkySpark

  • Paradox Engineering: Smart Lights, Carpark sensors and Indoor environmental sensors

  • Custom Systems and APIs

Key Features

Real-time Control

Using Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, WideSky Edge securely performs low latency data streaming and supervisory control of connected devices from WideSky Cloud.

Centrally Managed

Centrally configure and manage your entire fleet of WideSky Edge instances remotely in WideSky Cloud.


Quickly deploy and maintain your solutions using standard containers on your hardware.

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